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How low is a Lowballer?

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  • How low is a Lowballer?

    Hi! I have seen many sellers mentioned Lowballers will be ignored. But what is a lowballer? How low you offer and you will be listed as Lowballer?

    e.g. a BNIB 116520, seller asking for $16000. If I offer $12000, am I a lowballer?

    How much lower can I or usually people offer from seller's asking price to avoid misunderstanding?


    Thank you!

  • #2
    Originally posted by 116520 View Post
    Hi! I have seen many sellers mentioned Lowballers will be ignored. But what is a lowballer? How low you offer and you will be listed as Lowballer?

    e.g. a BNIB 116520, seller asking for $16000. If I offer $12000, am I a lowballer?

    How much lower can I or usually people offer from seller's asking price to avoid misunderstanding?


    Thank you!
    i will consider thousand below the selling price as lowballed...not sincere counter offer at all IMO.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 116520 View Post
      Hi! I have seen many sellers mentioned Lowballers will be ignored. But what is a lowballer? How low you offer and you will be listed as Lowballer?

      e.g. a BNIB 116520, seller asking for $16000. If I offer $12000, am I a lowballer?

      Thank you!
      Confrim and Chop LOWBALLER.....


      • #4
        Thanks for the feedback... sellers please voice out here... after buyers read will "know how to be human"....
        Originally posted by louie View Post
        i will consider thousand below the selling price as lowballed...not sincere counter offer at all IMO.


        • #5

          I look at it more on percentages, especially on lower-priced pieces. For example, if someone is selling xxx watch asking $650, and he gets an offer of $280, I'd put that firmly in the lowball category (unless of course it's an unrealistic price to begin with).

          Or if it's a quick sale at an already low price, and the buyer still tries to get away with a "cheaper can?" that is a further 20% off, I mean, you want the poor seller to end up paying you to take the watch?

          As long as we don't treat each other as Chatuchak street vendors, we'll be fine!


          • #6
            Firstly...offer for sale must be realistic or near market price...if a watch costs 3.6k at ADs and you want to sell it at 4.5k...

            And you offer 3.2k it...u think it's realistic? or not?

            Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


            • #7

              I think brand also plays a part too... so if a seller is selling a brand that is not so popular or harder to find a right buyer, e.g. a Roger Dubuis retail for $40000, he bought at $20000, if he want to sell at $15000, can I offer him $10000 in this case?

              Originally posted by Darkangel View Post
              Firstly...offer for sale must be realistic or near market price...if a watch costs 3.6k at ADs and you want to sell it at 4.5k...

              And you offer 3.2k it...u think it's realistic? or not?


              • #8
                It will depend on the market rate....that's why i will first depend on the offer for sale...the price should be near /at market rate.

                If market rate is 15000..and there is demand offering 10000 is not possible

                Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 116520 View Post

                  I think brand also plays a part too... so if a seller is selling a brand that is not so popular or harder to find a right buyer, e.g. a Roger Dubuis retail for $40000, he bought at $20000, if he want to sell at $15000, can I offer him $10000 in this case?
                  yes yes you can,NOW we know who lowballed!!


                  • #10
                    ha ha... not me huh... mine all good feedback one ok?

                    Originally posted by louie View Post
                    yes yes you can,NOW we know who lowballed!!


                    • #11
                      i dont think it is that accurate to use percentage as a guide to indicate a low ball offer.

                      a 10% off 100 and 1000 and 10000 will equate to 10, 100, 1000. a 10% on 10000 will not seriously dent the selling price compared to 10% on 100.

                      but i have encountered this type of scenario. take for example a walk-in customer gets 20% discount on a rolex price @ 10000, aka paying price is 8000. if a vvip customer buys the same model piece, the discount might be 22% which means vvip customer pays 7800.

                      6 months down the road, the walk-in customer wants to sell the watch @ 7800. but to a vvip customer can get it @ BNIB condition @ that price. so vvip customer decides to offer 7500. to the walk-in customer, it can be considered low ball but to the vvip it is not considered low ball.

                      another scenario, a seller buys a rolex in 2006 listed @ 10000. then in 2009 decides to sell it, post an ad indicating that the current list price which could be now 12000. the seller could be a vvip customer who gotten 22% discount. so 3 years down the road, the discount structure may still be 22%, but the list price has changed.

                      seller decides to post it for sale @ 7800, paints a picture to say the discount given is 35%. a potential buyer who knows the price back then and discount structure, decides to offer 7500. is it considered low ball?

                      i leave it to you all to decide.
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                      disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


                      • #12
                        Lowballs in my opinion is dat for an item tat selling for e.g. SGD500. SGD300 will be lowball. Kena many times some is even 50% of selling price.
                        "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

                        One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


                        • #13
                          Triton, thanks for the example you have given.

                          Maybe some of the sellers here can tell us your experience of lowballers? Maybe can release some stress or anger... hee hee... but make this place friendly, ok?


                          • #14
                            50% is too much.... I agree... if a person selling a SubLV now at $7600, that means $3800??? Super low ball man!

                            If I offer $6800, lowball or not?

                            Originally posted by Nooch View Post
                            Lowballs in my opinion is dat for an item tat selling for e.g. SGD500. SGD300 will be lowball. Kena many times some is even 50% of selling price.


                            • #15
                              i think it is not fair to say sell price is 500 and then 300 is considered low ball. we have seen cases where a watch is sold by AD @ X price but seller wanted X+Y price where Y is say 500. if i offer seller @ X price, am i considered lowballing the seller?

                              Originally posted by Darkangel View Post
                              Firstly...offer for sale must be realistic or near market price...if a watch costs 3.6k at ADs and you want to sell it at 4.5k...

                              And you offer 3.2k it...u think it's realistic? or not?
                              Originally posted by Nooch View Post
                              Lowballs in my opinion is dat for an item tat selling for e.g. SGD500. SGD300 will be lowball. Kena many times some is even 50% of selling price.
                              if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

                              i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

                              kindly email with
                              1. subject heading indicating your issue
                              2. your nick
                              3. your corresponding email address
                              4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

                              if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

                              your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

                              disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


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