Just to share an experience I had yesterday and would like to hear from you guys as to what you would have done if you were to experience the same thing.
This is what happened. Yesterday I saw a watch on forum I was interested in and so made contact with the seller.
After a few sms exchanges - we finally agreed on a trade with some top-up from the seller.
Agreed to carry out the deal at his place the same night - so I went home to take the watch and head for a quick dinner. Just then he sms me to say he wanted to put the deal on hold because he said someone selling the same watch cheaper and will see how it goes next week (if my watch is still available).
I was really disappointed with such an attitude - bcos I myself have never once stood people up like that once a deal is agreed on.
I also discover that he was also selling the same watch on Ebay with about 7 days more to run its course before it end. So I was wondering how can he be selling on forum and Ebay at the same time and what if he sold it away to someone on forum and what is he going to do with those who bidded on the same watch on Ebay. He bound to disappoint someone in the process unless he has a clause in his Ebay that state that he can "withdraw his sale" anytime which I notice he hasn't.
Some people I know from forum told me to put it on forum against his item on sale but I dont wish to start another unpleasant round of words.
What would you guys have done differently if you were in my shoes.
Just to share an experience I had yesterday and would like to hear from you guys as to what you would have done if you were to experience the same thing.
This is what happened. Yesterday I saw a watch on forum I was interested in and so made contact with the seller.
After a few sms exchanges - we finally agreed on a trade with some top-up from the seller.
Agreed to carry out the deal at his place the same night - so I went home to take the watch and head for a quick dinner. Just then he sms me to say he wanted to put the deal on hold because he said someone selling the same watch cheaper and will see how it goes next week (if my watch is still available).
I was really disappointed with such an attitude - bcos I myself have never once stood people up like that once a deal is agreed on.
I also discover that he was also selling the same watch on Ebay with about 7 days more to run its course before it end. So I was wondering how can he be selling on forum and Ebay at the same time and what if he sold it away to someone on forum and what is he going to do with those who bidded on the same watch on Ebay. He bound to disappoint someone in the process unless he has a clause in his Ebay that state that he can "withdraw his sale" anytime which I notice he hasn't.
Some people I know from forum told me to put it on forum against his item on sale but I dont wish to start another unpleasant round of words.
What would you guys have done differently if you were in my shoes.