Inspire by the thread "Watch Collecting Experience".
No doubt this forum is a great place to learn and share experience about watches.
A forum like this also provides a lot of learning about human behaviour - how people communicate, how people interact, how people project themselves and treat others, when they are anonymous.
For me, I have benefited in understanding human a little bit better and in improving myself through self-reflection as a result of the experience I have had on the forums. Some of the experience I would never had in real life because most people don't behave exactly the same way they behave in cyberspace.
So, here are some of my learning. Some of which I already knew but I have been timely reminded.
1. Human are more interested in themselves than in their friends. Let alone strangers.
2. People praise others in return of the same, but criticise others and expect different treatment.
3. It takes a long distance to know a horse. Don't judge a person too early.
4. One gains respect from what he does and not what he says, yet one could lose respect simply from the words one uses.
5. People rush to answer every question or comment on everything not to share knowledge, but to show that they have knowledge. Just like that annoying kid in the classroom.
6. One who always provokes is one who desires attention badly.
7. All watch lovers are bias, yet like to ask others' opinion.
8. Not all people on a watch forums love watches. Some just love money.
9. Watches would not be this appreciated if they cannot be sold.
10. I used to think guys first become friends, then brothers. On the forums, it is strangely the other way round.
I hope this is not too heavy a topic on a beautiful Sunday...
No doubt this forum is a great place to learn and share experience about watches.
A forum like this also provides a lot of learning about human behaviour - how people communicate, how people interact, how people project themselves and treat others, when they are anonymous.
For me, I have benefited in understanding human a little bit better and in improving myself through self-reflection as a result of the experience I have had on the forums. Some of the experience I would never had in real life because most people don't behave exactly the same way they behave in cyberspace.
So, here are some of my learning. Some of which I already knew but I have been timely reminded.
1. Human are more interested in themselves than in their friends. Let alone strangers.
2. People praise others in return of the same, but criticise others and expect different treatment.
3. It takes a long distance to know a horse. Don't judge a person too early.
4. One gains respect from what he does and not what he says, yet one could lose respect simply from the words one uses.
5. People rush to answer every question or comment on everything not to share knowledge, but to show that they have knowledge. Just like that annoying kid in the classroom.
6. One who always provokes is one who desires attention badly.
7. All watch lovers are bias, yet like to ask others' opinion.
8. Not all people on a watch forums love watches. Some just love money.
9. Watches would not be this appreciated if they cannot be sold.
10. I used to think guys first become friends, then brothers. On the forums, it is strangely the other way round.
I hope this is not too heavy a topic on a beautiful Sunday...
