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What do you think when your contractor/ supplier wears rolex

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  • #61
    I agree credit card promoters wearing a rolex will give me a different impression.

    Think of it the other way, a banker that does corporate banking handling high net worth accounts wearing a rolex will not be surprised and might even spark common topics with his or her clients.

    I guess an employee or employer needs to know what and how to present him/her self to different job situations. It's all about perception and human psychology.


    • #62
      Think that they are well to do


      • #63
        I am perfectly fine if they wear a rolex. Everyone entitles to a rolex watch if they work hard for it


        • #64
          My contractor wear rolex too... Congrats them bcos I have one too


          • #65
            I think it's pretty normal to spot contractor wearing Rolex. Tell you what, If you spot one wearing patek philippe, go straight to Singapore Pools to buy toto.. Dun wait any further


            • #66
              so the general impression is that you guys feels it's ok to wear expensive watch for contractor.
              It never occur to you that their pricing is high.
              As long as good services entails, you are willing to pay the price for good service and results.


              • #67
                Good for them! It means the Singaporean economy is doing well!


                • #68
                  Crazy to judge someone by what he wears, be it clothes or watches. In the end, what defines you is the way you carry yourself.


                  • #69
                    It's very common nowadays. 5k can get u a explorer 2 now


                    • #70
                      More than the watch, i think his service and product is more important as a supplier hah!


                      • #71
                        It means you paid them too much....


                        • #72
                          Rolexes are very liquid. A time-piece that can be reliably liquidated, without too much depreciation (hopefully the contractor knows how to take care of his watch), when the renovation business experiences cashflow problems, is always a terrific asset.

                          I have no issues with contractors wearing Rolexes, genuine or otherwise. Diamond encrusted ones, I may have to question taste-wise. I won't trust these contractors do any interior design work that's for sure! Just build according to what I want


                          • #73
                            My 2 cents opinion.

                            If a contractor can be driving a Merz or BMW, why he cannot wear a Rolex?

                            Some hawker centre in HDB also drives Merz or BMW. Nothing wrong right?

                            Property Agents or Insurance Agents or Car Sale Agents can also be considered as a contractor as we contract them to do a service for us. Some drive nice big cars.

                            They all just doing work and I view that they doing their work well, so they can afford it. Ask myself, would I be dealing with someone successful in the field of work or would I be asking some who can hardly survive in his field.

                            Every morning I queue up for coffee, for my daily charge. Why don't I buy from the next stall where there is no queue? Coffee drinker will know what I mean. Would I stop buying from him if he wears a ROLEX?

                            Answer: NO.


                            • #74
                              No issue.


                              • #75
                                they deserved the watch with their hard earn cash


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