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What do you think when your contractor/ supplier wears rolex

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  • What do you think when your contractor/ supplier wears rolex

    Ok, I am always curious about this.

    So let's say when you goes to a contractor ( those who dress super normally ) or one who is supposedly not making a lot of $$ and humble guy, and he wears a Rolex.

    You like his work and so meetup.
    You are planning to get some form of services from them.

    He makes you a quote and you find it either too expensive for you or it exceeds your budget or you find it hard to bargain the price down with him.

    First impression : what do you think of this guy?

    I am sure we have meet people who wears pricier watches than us. Like to hear some feedback.

  • #2
    oh wow .. no replies yet.

    Perhaps I can start off first.
    I was at Sim Lim tower quite recently to fabricate a piece of cable. Will let the exact description of the shop out.

    He was wholesaler of wires and cables and does custom length cable.
    I was looking around and he came upon to ask me what I was looking for and upon a quick check I notice he's got a XXXXXX on his wrist. And out of curiosity I decided to buy some custom cables from him.

    When I got to know more abt him, I noticed that he travels alot and further more I also noticed that his hands were quite scratch up due to perhaps all the soldering and handling of the cables.

    I think most of us will not associate expensive watches with people who had roughen out in life. wrinkle hands and faces.
    So my impression was that this guy must have a way in his life.


    • #3
      As much as I may appear trying to sound politically correct, I really don't see why we should judge people by the watch they wear. It's really a matter of personal lifestyle choice, doesn't make them a better or pricier subcontractor or supplier.


      • #4
        I get paid by the hour, I make an honest living. I saved up and join the rolex club this new years day.

        all i am hearing is this

        "i am too cheap to meet his price, I want cheap and good, I dont like it when he dont meet my price. He shouldnt be wearing a rolex."

        I may come off strong, but my first impression is on you rather than this contractor.

        Originally posted by Fabianaino View Post
        Ok, I am always curious about this.

        So let's say when you goes to a contractor ( those who dress super normally ) or one who is supposedly not making a lot of $$ and humble guy, and he wears a Rolex.

        You like his work and so meetup.
        You are planning to get some form of services from them.

        He makes you a quote and you find it either too expensive for you or it exceeds your budget or you find it hard to bargain the price down with him.

        First impression : what do you think of this guy?

        I am sure we have meet people who wears pricier watches than us. Like to hear some feedback.


        • #5
          One thing I learnt from collecting watches is that it's superficial to form an opinion of someone based on the watch they are wearing.


          • #6
            The watch that one wears has to be suitable for the occasions. For example if he goes down to work on himself and he is wearing a latest gold model rolex or a rolex with leather strap. Then I will suspect he knows what he is doing.


            • #7
              My first thought "you play play in sg-roc forum? not jb-roc or some say batam-roc."

              My second thought "ok find new contractor after lunch. hmmm.. lunch eat simi leh?"
              在幻变的生命里, 岁月, 原来是最大的小偷...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Fabianaino View Post
                Ok, I am always curious about this.

                So let's say when you goes to a contractor ( those who dress super normally ) or one who is supposedly not making a lot of $$ and humble guy, and he wears a Rolex.

                You like his work and so meetup.
                You are planning to get some form of services from them.

                He makes you a quote and you find it either too expensive for you or it exceeds your budget or you find it hard to bargain the price down with him.

                First impression : what do you think of this guy?

                I am sure we have meet people who wears pricier watches than us. Like to hear some feedback.
                contractor wears Rolex is uncommon? nope! this is so common in the olden days, early 80s i What is uncommon is when a contractor wears a i known a designer big fan of RM hahahaa


                • #9
                  I have never thought about looking at my contractors watches when I speak with them, until when I got interested in watches last year!

                  But come to think of it, my long time contractor has been wearing a PP for the longest time and I didn't notice it. Now that I notice watches, it still doesn't change my opinion about him. He has been honest and very dependable!

                  Never judge a book by its cover, that's what my parents have taught me and I will never forget it.


                  • #10
                    Rolex is like a great everyday watch! I think I would be fine with them wearing rolexes! But if he was wearing a PP or RM as a daily beater, I'll be quite intrigued.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dragonforce
                      I guess it can go 2 ways.

                      1) positive. wah wear Rolex/ _____ (insert your own brand of watch). so rich ah. must be doing well. must be selling very good service/product.. should be able to trust him and buy from him.

                      2) negative. wah wear Rolex/ _____ (insert your own brand of watch). so rich ah. no need my business already lah like that / can earn so much meh.. dunno how many pple he/she cheat already.

                      I see ... would u have the impression that his price is above average if he's wearing a pricy watch?

                      Originally posted by alantannottam View Post
                      My first thought "you play play in sg-roc forum? not jb-roc or some say batam-roc."

                      My second thought "ok find new contractor after lunch. hmmm.. lunch eat simi leh?"

                      hahaha ... how come your 2nd tot would be to look for a new contractor if he wears a pricier watch than u?

                      Originally posted by nimm12
                      rolex is just another mid-tier brand for the mass market
                      if my contractor wears a RM or a PP, that is different story
                      aarg ... actually this is the point I was threading ! haha ... what would you think of your dirty hands contractor wearing a RM or PP coming to meet you for a discussion but of cause during his hands on he probably wear a casio.


                      • #12
                        Doesnt matter what watch he wears as long as he is a reliable trustworthy chap


                        • #13
                          The morale of the story is that u should start yr own small business and u can wear Rollie or AP or even VC and PP!


                          • #14
                            I know people who dont earn that much but wears a watch which cost his annual salary....
                            But thats becos he really appreciates watches. Not that i would do the same but i just dont think that you can really judge someone's true character by his watch. Perhaps can judge his taste but not accurately his chracter


                            • #15
                              It's quite common, no? I've seen too many badly dressed "small tow-kays" who own some small contracting businesses sporting massive Rolex Deepseas. Always gives me a nice chuckle to look at them talking loudly on their mobile phones, busily gesturing their wrist to shake the Deepsea (probably didn't wind enough). And oh yes, they love to wear it loose.


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