Brudder, where got such thing....aku down here still single and not-so-available (coz busy...or actually it is a bad excuse coz boh lang ai)
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Health Thread
Originally posted by ghost View PostBrudder, where got such thing....aku down here still single and not-so-available (coz busy...or actually it is a bad excuse coz boh lang ai)
need a day/ night nurse for my dad...was trying to look ard see got ppl kaisiow or not... but found already thru agency.
Anyway, for bros here tht might need a REAL Nurse ( not those special services cater to wear uniform hor ) ... hahaha ... below are contacts to find one:
Choy Agency: 63388811
Nicole Consultant: 62215262
Mena Agency: 67363120
Rates varies, anywhere from abt 150 - 250 per 12 hrs ( varies according to agency also nurse type, day or night, wkday, wkend, public holiday etc )
Originally posted by feilong108 View Posttrue..hahaha..can off topic some fave forum at the moment...hahahahahahahaOriginally posted by seiko.citizen View Posttry that in other forum, and you will be promptly kicked off.ah ... but there's really a few good one of them
- grandma is ok already...suppose to come back today...
but then...last night...she wanted to go toilet..then fell off the bed. Then injured herself...
They are going to transfer to AMK-THK Hospital...for physio
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
Originally posted by Darkangel View grandma is ok already...suppose to come back today...
but then...last night...she wanted to go toilet..then fell off the bed. Then injured herself...
They are going to transfer to AMK-THK Hospital...for physio
my dad now physio come twice daily, cos he cant move, physio come in and exercise him and turn turn him
Originally posted by pet View Postget well soon,
my dad now physio come twice daily, cos he cant move, physio come in and exercise him and turn turn him
Thanks for the concern! Take care UNCLE pet!
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
The hosp is like dat one choice 1 everything so ex, doctor's fees also ex so e bills all goes to pay them.. 1st world medicine hub mah but ppl consulting them earning 3rd world pay.."夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮
One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang
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